Transponder Car Keys And How They Work
Transponder immobiliser systems were introduced to vehicles in Germany in about 1995. The rise of car theft and the market for cheap second hand parts led the decision to increase the difficulty in sourcing “hot” parts and cheap cars. The Japanese came on board early with their vehicles but did not go down the route of rolling code systems like Germany. Mitsubishi and Toyota were among the first to incorporate Transponder based immobilisers into models such as Lancer, Magna,Camry and Corolla.
There are two main types of chips used in car keys, as pictured here, there is a glass chip and there is a carbon chip. These chips are programmed with data or binary code that the cars ECU or BCM needs to receive before the car is allowed to start. The mechanism that is used to transfer this data from the chip to the immobiliser is called a reader, generally a copper coil that sits around the ignition lock. If the key is lost or the chip is damaged the process of resetting the system and making new transponder chips can be a costly and time consuming exercise.
As well as transponder chips many manufacturers are now incorporating pin codes as part of the cars security. This means that to communicate with the cars system in the event all working keys are lost or even to program spare keys, a four or 5 digit code may be required. A bit like getting money from the ATM, if you don’t have the pin code you won’t get money from your bank. There are many tools on the market now that allow a trained Automotive Locksmith to make new or replacement keys to 90% of vehicles on our roads today. Before transponders making keys to cars was a specialised skill and not all locksmiths performed this challenging service. Today more than ever before the Automotive locksmith needs to know the system he or she is working on and the knowledge base is broadening as each new model hits our streets.
Pick Me Car Locksmith Adelaide has spent many thousands of dollars and invested many man hours to provide one of the best Automotive Locksmith services in Adelaide. We are constantly upgrading our equipment and honing our skills to help our clients overcome any unforeseen mishap with their car keys and remotes. We carry a full range of transponder chips and key blanks to ensure that we can get our customers back on the road again as cheaply and as quickly as possible.
If you have any questions or need any help with car keys and remotes give our friendly staff a call anytime on Free Call 1800 PICK ME